Persistent Insomnia

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Definition - What does Persistent Insomnia mean?

Persistent insomnia, also known as chronic insomnia, is a medical disorder that disrupts normal circadian rhythm cycles on a recurrent basis. Many individuals are affected by persistent insomnia with varying underlying causes including depression, irregular breathing habits, stress, alcohol and/or caffeine consumption, menopause, and rotating shift schedules at work. Medical evidence suggests that persistent insomnia can adversely impact health leading to, for example, cardiopulmonary disease.

SureHire explains Persistent Insomnia

Although it is common for most people to experience insomnia to some degree, cases of persistent insomnia can undercut different aspects of life including personal relationships and/or job performance at work. People suspected of having persistent insomnia issues are advised to consult a doctor to receive a proper diagnosis followed by remedial treatment. Many solutions are available to help mitigate the detrimental health effects linked to persistent insomnia while fostering sufficient sleep through the night. Regular exercise that consists of vigorous workouts, a yoga routine and acupuncture contribute to the biochemical stimulation of the hormone serotonin, which is released into the body to assist with relaxation.

It is statistically proven that individuals with persistent insomnia are candidates for developing cardiopulmonary disease, increasing the mortality rate compared to patients who experience spells of acute insomnia. The physiological effects attributed to insomnia often translate to an employee’s capacity to meet job standards by demonstrating efficiency and optimal productivity. While many people may not display observable signs of sleep deprivation, telltale behavioral and/or physiological factors can serve as clear warnings of possible insomnia. This can include absenteeism, decreased alertness, concentration difficulties, and irritability.

Employers have an obligation to ensure the collective health and safety of their workforce against preventable hazards to promote efficient labor, in turn, optimizing productivity. Strategic methods that encompass performance reviews can help determine if persistent insomnia is an impediment to current business practices. Employers can introduce ergonomic solutions such as designating office space equipped with furniture for short naps.

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